
236 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
AHREND Maria UNIBAS E‑Mail 2023
ALBERTANI David UNIGE E‑Mail --- Yvan Velenik
ALMUSLIMANI Ibrahim UNIGE E‑Mail Multiscale integrators for optimal control problems Gilles Vilmart
Martin J. Gander
ANDEREGG Martin UNIGE E‑Mail --- Nicolas Monod
ANDRIST Rafael Benedikt UNIBE E‑Mail --- Frank Kutzschebauch
ATCHADE Kolawolé Akansa Sourou UNINE E‑Mail --- Michel Benaïm
AYDIN Cengiz UNINE - Symplectic Geometry Felix Schlenk
Urs Frauenfelder
BAGNOUD Pierre Aldéric UNIGE E‑Mail Geometric group theory Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda
BÄR Ruben UNIBE - Algebra and Hyperbolic geometry
BARMAZ Yves UNIGE E‑Mail --- Anton Alekseev
BARTHOLDI Nicolas UNIGE E‑Mail --- Daniel Coray
BAZHOV Ivan UNIGE E‑Mail Tropical geometry Grigory Mikhalkin
BENHEDDI Mounir UNIGE E‑Mail Knot theory David Cimasoni
Paul Turner
BERGER Amandine UNINE - --- Bruno Colbois
BERGER Reto UNIBE E‑Mail --- Zoltan Balogh
BERTOLI Guillaume UNIGE E‑Mail Numerical methods for the Schrödinger equation Gilles Vilmart 2021
BIK Arthur UNIBE E‑Mail Strength and Noetherianity for infinite Tensors Jan Draisma 2020
BLATTER Andreas UNIBE - Geometry of polynomial functors
BONNIER Virginie UNIGE E‑Mail Construction of knot invariants from super Hopf algebras. Rinat Kashaev
BORELL Stefan UNIBE E‑Mail --- Frank Kutzschebauch
BOTTINELLI Rémi UNINE - Aleksandr Kolpakov
BOURQUIN Antoine UNINE E‑Mail Random dynamical system Michel Benaim
BREDON Naomi UNIFR E‑Mail Hyperbolic Coxeter groups, growth rates, and cluster algebras Ruth Kellerhals 2024
BRENDEL Joé UNINE - Symplectic geometry Prof. Felix Schlenk
BRÜGGER Rahel UNIBAS E‑Mail Shape optimization for time dependent PDEs 2021
BUDMIGER Jonas UNIBAS E‑Mail --- Hanspeter Kraft
BUGEANU Monica UNIBAS - Wavelet element methods for the polarizable continuum model 2017
CAMPAGNOLO Caterina UNIGE E‑Mail --- Michelle Bucher-Karlsson
CHAOUQUI Faycal UNIGE E‑Mail Numerical analysis 2018
CHEN Zhubin IHEID E‑Mail Health Economics Jean-Louis Arcand
CHIARELLO Simone Melchiorre UNIGE E‑Mail Cohomology of moduli spaces
CODESIDO Santiago UNIGE - Topological String Theory Marcos Mariño
CONWAY Anthony UNIGE E‑Mail Low dimensional topology David Cimasoni 2017
COURVOISIER Yves UNIGE E‑Mail --- Martin Gander
CREVOISIER Fabien UNINE E‑Mail --- Olivier Besson & Bruno Colbois
CUCCHI Irene UNIGE E‑Mail Electronic structure of topological materials thinned down to a few layers Felix Baumberger
DAHINDEN Lucas UNINE E‑Mail Geometry
DAVYDENKOVA Irina UNIGE E‑Mail Poisson-Lie Groups and Inequalities Anton Alekseev 2014
DELABIE Thiebout UNINE E‑Mail Geometric group theory
DILL Gabriel Andreas UNIBAS E‑Mail Unlikely Intersections with Isogeny Orbits Prof. Dr. Philipp Habegger
DÖLZ Jürgen UNIBAS - H-matrix based first and second moment analysis 2017
DOTTI Edoardo UNIFR E‑Mail Hyperbolic Geometry Ruth Kellerhals 2020
DOUCOURE Souleymane UNINE E‑Mail
DREESEN Dennis UNINE E‑Mail --- Alain Valette
DREWITZ Simon UNIFR E‑Mail Hyperbolic Geometry Ruth Kellerhals 2021
DUCHESNE Bruno UNIGE E‑Mail --- Nicolas Monod
EGLOFF Mattia UNIL E‑Mail Informatical science and Mathematical Methods for human sciences François Bavaud
ELEFANTE Giacomo --- E‑Mail Rational Interpolation Prof. Jean-Paul Berrut 2021
ERMOTTI Nicola UNIGE E‑Mail --- Cam Van Quach Hongler
ESTRADA GALINANES Veronica UNINE E‑Mail Data entanglement codes for high reliable storage systems Pascal Felber 2017
EXTERMANN Cyrille UNIGE E‑Mail --- Thierry Vust, Anton Alekseev
FANONI Federica UNIFR E‑Mail --- Hugo Parlier
FÄSSLER Katrin UNIBE E‑Mail --- Zoltan Balogh
FELDER Matteo UNIGE E‑Mail Graph Complexes Anton Alekseev
Thomas Willwacher
FELLER Chrystel UNIFR E‑Mail --- Jean-Pierre Gabriel, Christian Mazza 2014
FERNANDEZ VILANOVA Lucas UNIBE - Low dimensional topology
FERRETTI Livio Clemente Emilio UNIGE E‑Mail Knot theory and low dimensional topology
FILLASTRE François UNINE E‑Mail --- Bruno Colbois
FIORELLI VILMART Shaula UNIGE E‑Mail --- Anton Alekseev
FITZI Martin UNIFR E‑Mail Geometric Analysis Prof. Stefan Wenger 2021
FONG Pascal UNIBAS E‑Mail Algebraic geometry Prof. Jérémy Blanc 2023
FOURNIER Thomas UNIFR E‑Mail --- Jean-Pierre Gabriel
FRANCOEUR Dominik UNIGE E‑Mail Geometric group theory Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda
FRENKEL David UNINE E‑Mail --- Felix Schlenk
FREY Linda UNIBAS - Heights and elliptic curves Philipp Habegger
FRIEDLI Fabien UNIGE E‑Mail Analytic graph theory Anders Karlsson 2016
GASPERIN Anthony UNIGE E‑Mail Jose Rolim
GAUTHIER Carl-Erik UNINE E‑Mail Long Term Behaviour of Self-Interacting Diffusions Michel Benaïm
GERHAT Borbala Mercedes UNIBE - Operator and Spectral Theory Prof. Dr. Christiane Tretter
GIACOBINO Caroline UNIGE E‑Mail Sylvain Sardy
GLAZMAN Alexander UNIGE E‑Mail Mathematical Physics Stanislav Smirnov
GLEICHMANN Yannik UNIBAS E‑Mail Inverse Scattering Problems 2023
GRAF Christian UNIBAS E‑Mail Tête-à-tête graphs and twists Norbert A'Campo 2014
GRANIER Jordane UNIFR E‑Mail ---
Ruth Kellerhals
GUGLIELMETTI Rafael UNIFR - Ruth Kellerhals 2017
GUYOT Luc UNIGE E‑Mail --- Goulnara Arjantseva
HASSANNEZHAD Asma UNINE E‑Mail Upper bounds for the eigenvalues of natural operators on compact Riemannian manifolds Bruno Colbois
Ahmad El Soufi
14 June 2012
HAUG Carsten UNINE - Symplectic geometry Felix Schlenk
HAYEZ Laurent UNINE E‑Mail Geometric group theory Alain Valette
HEID Pascal UNIBE - Numerical Mathematics
HEISTERCAMP Muriel UNINE E‑Mail --- Felix Schlenk
HEMMIG Mattias UNIBAS E‑Mail Algebraic geometry Jérémy Blanc 2018
HENRY Philippe UNIGE E‑Mail --- Nicolas Monod
HEUSER Philip UNIBAS E‑Mail --- Ben Schweizer
HILD Thierry UNIFR E‑Mail --- Ruth Kellerhals
HOESSLY Linard UNIFR - Stochastic processes and algebraic systems
HOUSSOU Regis UNINE E‑Mail --- Olivier Besson
HSIAO Yi-Ning UNIGE E‑Mail Algebraic geometry Andras Szenes
HYDER Ali UNIBAS - PDEs in Conformal Geometry
IBROGIMOV Orif UNIBE - Spectral theory Prof. Christiane Tretter
ISELY Olivier UNINE E‑Mail --- Alain Valette
IULA Stefano UNIBAS - Geometric Analysis Luca Martinazzi
JÄGGLI Christoph UNINE - Efficient hydrogeological Monte Carlo inversion based on Multiple-Points Statistics Prof. Philippe Renard
Dr. Julien Straubhaar
JOLISSAINT Pierre-Nicolas UNINE E‑Mail --- Alain Valette
JOSI Johannes UNIGE E‑Mail Nodal rational sextics in the real projective plane Grigory Mikhalkin
Ilia Itenberg
JUHASZ Maté Lehel UNIGE E‑Mail --- Andras Szenes
KAISER Tom UNINE E‑Mail Box spaces and L^2-Betti numbers
KALININ Nikita UNIGE E‑Mail Grigory Mikhalkin 2015
KAREMERA Mucyo UNIGE E‑Mail Quantum invariants of 3-manifolds from a quantum group related to $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_3)$. Rinat Kashaev 2016
KHRISTOFOROV Mikhail UNIGE E‑Mail Statistical physics 2018
KIWI Lev UNIFR E‑Mail --- Anand Dessai
KLEIN Georges UNIFR E‑Mail --- Jean-Paul Berrut
KOLESNYK Petro UNIL E‑Mail Bi-log-concave distribution and regression functions.
KOLOKOLNIKOVA Natalia UNIGE E‑Mail Global singularity theory Andras Szenes 2018
KOZLOV Anatoly UNIGE E‑Mail Crosstalk of clock neurons in drosophila
KUBIVSKYI Yaroslav UNIGE E‑Mail SLE's with drift term arising from massive statistical mechanics models Stanislav Smirnov
KUMBHAR Pratik Mahadeo UNIGE E‑Mail Domain Decomposition Methods 2020
KURTZMANN Aline UNINE E‑Mail --- Michel Benaïm
LANDOLINA Cristina UNINE - Rank Metric Codes Elisa Gorla
LANG Lionel UNIGE E‑Mail --- Grigory Mikhalkin 2014
LAURENT Adrien UNIGE E‑Mail Numerical analysis for SDEs and SPDEs Gilles Vilmart 2021
LI Jhih-Huang UNIGE E‑Mail Universality of the FK-percolation Hugo Duminil-Copin and Stanislav Smirnov 2017
LÓPEZ Hiram UNINE E‑Mail Coding Theory Elisa Gorla
LÖTSCHER Roland UNIBAS E‑Mail --- Hanspeter Kraft
LOUIS Justine UNIGE E‑Mail --- Anders Karlsson 2015
MAMOOLER Parisa UNIGE E‑Mail H-Matrix Martin J. Gander 2019
MANDAL Bankim UNIGE E‑Mail --- Martin Gander
MANTUANO Tatiana UNINE E‑Mail --- Bruno Colbois
MARMET Bastien UNINE E‑Mail Quasi-stationnary distributions for stochastic approximation algorithms Michel Benaïm
MASSIERER Maike UNIBAS E‑Mail Trace Zero Varieties in Cryptography: Optimal Representation and Index Calculus Elisa Gorla 2013
MATEEV Matey UNIBAS E‑Mail --- Elisa Gorla
MATERNA Stéphane UNIBE E‑Mail --- Christine Riedtmann
MATTER Michel UNIGE E‑Mail --- Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda
MCCOID Conor UNIGE E‑Mail Domain decomposition Martin Gander
MERCIER Valentin UNINE E‑Mail Conjugacy growth series of groups Laura Ciobanu
MICHEL Andrea UNIBE - representation theory of quivers
MICHEL Simon UNIBAS E‑Mail Local time-stepping and uncertainty quantification Prof. Dr. Marcus J. Grote 2021
MILA Olivier UNIBE - Algebra and Hyperbolic geometry
MISEV Filip UNIBE E‑Mail Monodromy of singularities and Floer homology Sebastian Baader
MISKOLCZI Panna UNIFR E‑Mail model in neurosciences Christian Mazza
MONNIER Samuel UNIGE E‑Mail --- Anton Alekseev
MOON Soyoung UNINE E‑Mail --- Alain Valette
MORIER Alan UNIGE - Quantum Topology Rinat Kashaev
MORVAN Xavier UNIGE E‑Mail knot theory Rinat Kashaev 2017
MUSTERMANN Felix UNIFR E‑Mail --- Norbert Hungerbühler
MYROPOLSKA Aglaia UNIGE E‑Mail --- Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda 2015
NAEF Florian UNIGE E‑Mail Mathematical Physics 2017
NAHUM Uri UNIBAS - Inverse Problems Marcus J. Grote
NESEMANN Jan UNIBE E‑Mail --- Christiane Tretter
NGUYEN Van Phuong UNIGE - Growth of groups Prof. Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda
OSWALD Pascal UNIBAS E‑Mail Spatial branching processes in random environments Jiří Černý 2024
OTT Sébastien UNIGE E‑Mail Probability theory and statistical mechanic Prof. Y. Velenik
PAUNOV Alexander UNIGE E‑Mail E-positivity of chromatic functions 2016
PEREZ Aitor UNIGE E‑Mail Group Theory Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda 2020
PERREN Geneviève UNIFR E‑Mail --- Ruth Kellerhals
PERRIN Hélène UNINE E‑Mail Géométrie spectrale, problème de Steklov. Bruno Colbois
PÉTIARD Luc UNINE - Spectral geometry
PETIT Joachim UNIBAS E‑Mail Analytic Number Theory 2021
PETRI Bram UNIFR E‑Mail --- Prof. Hugo Parlier
PHAM Anh Minh UNIGE E‑Mail Mathematical physics David Cimasoni 2017
PIETERS Hester UNIGE E‑Mail --- Michelle Bucher-Karlsson 2016
PIGUET Eiichi UNIGE E‑Mail Quantum topology 2021
PILLON Thibault UNINE E‑Mail --- Alain Valette
PIROGOV Mikhail UNIGE E‑Mail Symplectic topology Grigory Mikhalkin
PODKOPAEVA Maria UNIGE E‑Mail Planar Networks and Inequalities on Eigenvalues Anton Alekseev 2012
POOYA Sanaz UNINE E‑Mail Operator Algebra and Group Theory Alain Valette
POPOVICIU DRAISMA Mihaela Ileana UNIBAS E‑Mail --- Hanspeter Kraft November 2013
PROSANOV Roman UNIFR - Discrete curvature and rigidity Ivan Izmestiev
PUTROV Pavel UNIGE - --- Marcos Marino
RAJABZADEH MOGHADDAM Elham UNIFR E‑Mail --- Jean-Paul Berrut
RAPHAEL Elise UNIGE - Grothendieck-Teichmüller and Kashiwara-Vergne Lie algebras Anton Alexeev
RAVAGNANI Alberto UNINE E‑Mail Coding Theory Elisa Gorla
RELLA Claudia UNIGE E‑Mail On the arithmetic of resurgent topological strings Prof. Marcos Mariño 2024
RIVIER Renaud UNIGE E‑Mail Random matrices and sparse random graphs Antti Knowles 2023
ROBAYO Maria Fernanda UNIBAS E‑Mail Birational diffeomorphisms of the sphere of finite order Jérémy Blanc
ROGGER Jonas UNIBE E‑Mail Mathematical Logic Prof. Dr. George Metcalfe
ROHR Rudolf UNIGE - --- Anton Alekseev
ROTH Gregory UNINE E‑Mail --- Michel Benaïm
RÖTHLISBERGER Christoph UNIBE - --- George Metcalfe
RYFFEL Levi UNIBE - Knot Theory Sebastian Baader
SAINI Elia UNIFR - Phased matroids
SAKALOS Stefan UNIGE E‑Mail On Quantization of Quasi-Lie Bialgebras Prof. Pavol Severa
Prof. Anton Alexeev
SALIZZONI Flavio UNINE E‑Mail Network coding Elisa Gorla
SCHERER Heike UNIGE E‑Mail --- Christian Mazza
SCHMID Stefan UNIBAS - Number Theory/Arithmetic Geometry 2019
SCHNEEBERGER Grégoire UNIGE E‑Mail On Infinite Groups and Their Actions: From Group Actions On Graphs To Group Actions On Complexes Prof. Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda 2022
SCHNEIDER Julia UNIBAS E‑Mail Algebraic geometry Jérémy Blanc 2021
SCHNÜRIGER Laura UNIBE E‑Mail Mathematical Logic Prof. Dr. George Metcalfe
SCHULZE Christian UNIBAS E‑Mail Optimal Mixing for the transport and advection-diffusion equation Prof. Gianluca Crippa 2021
SEMENOVA Elizaveta UNIBAS E‑Mail Gianluca Crippa
SHEKHAWAT Krishnendra UNIGE E‑Mail Rectangle Tilings, Connectivity and Associated Covariants Daniel Coray 2013
SHKOLNIKOV Mikhail UNIGE - Tropical Geometry Grigory Mikhalkin
SIDLER Hubert UNIFR E‑Mail Harmonic Maps Stefan Wenger
SIM Imbo UNIBAS E‑Mail --- Marcus Grote
SIRAN Michal UNIGE E‑Mail Integration of differential graded manifolds Pavol Severa 2015
SMIRNOVA Daria UNIGE E‑Mail Ballistical properties of weakly self-repelling polymers Hugo Duminil-Copin 2018
SOMAINI Claudio UNIBE E‑Mail --- Christine Riedtmann
STAMPFLI Immanuel UNIBAS E‑Mail --- Hanspeter Kraft Mai 2013
STEINER Aline UNIBAS - Algebraic curves in the projective space Prof. Dr. Jérémy Blanc
STEVAN Sebastien UNIGE E‑Mail --- Marcos Marino 2014
STOHRER Christian UNIBAS E‑Mail Marcus Grote Mai 2013
STRAUBHAAR Julien UNINE E‑Mail --- Olivier Besson
STRAUBHAAR Régis UNINE E‑Mail Numerical Optimization of Dirichlet-Laplace eigenvalues on domains in surfaces Bruno Colbois, Olivier Besson 2013
STRICKLER Edouard UNINE - Probability; Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processe Michel Benaïm
STUDER Luca UNIBE - Complex geometry Frank Kutzschebauch
SUTTI Marco UNIGE E‑Mail Optimization on matrix and tensor manifolds using multilevel preconditioning strategies Bart Vandereycken 2020
SZILÁGYI SZOLT Géza Zsolt UNIGE E‑Mail --- Anras Szenes November 2013
TAIRI Nafie UNIBE - Algebra und Geometrie
TANG Jet Hoe UNIBAS - * Inverse Problem * Wave / Helmholtz Equation * Local Time Stepping 2019
TEMFACK DJEULEZECK Arlette Love UNINE E‑Mail --- Bruno Colbois
TINGUELY Samuel UNIGE E‑Mail --- Anton Alekseev
TISSOT-DAGUETTE Mireille UNINE E‑Mail --- Michel Benaïm
TONG CHE Gerry UNIGE E‑Mail --- Stanislav Smirnov
TRÖNDLE Dennis UNIBAS E‑Mail Computation of Generalized Solution Spaces 2020
TUYT Olim UNIBE - Mathematical logic. In particular, many-valued modal logic and one-variable fragments of many-valued logics. Prof. George Metcalfe 2021
URECH Christian UNIBAS - Algebraic Geometry Jérémy Blanc
Serge Cantat
UTZINGER Manuela UNIBAS E‑Mail Boundary element methods 2016
VANZAN Tommaso UNIGE E‑Mail Heterogeneous domain decomposition methods Martin J. Gander 2020
VASCO Schiavo UNIFR - .
VILMART Gilles UNIGE E‑Mail --- Ernst Hairer
VORPE Guilherme UNIGE - --- Pierre-Alain Cherix
VUILLEUMIER Louis UNIL - Continuous Reductions on Quasi-Polish Spaces Jacques Duparc
WEISSKOPF Nicolas UNIFR E‑Mail --- Anand Dessai 2014
WERMELINGER Jonathan UNIFR E‑Mail Moduli Spaces of Nonnegative Metrics Anand Dessai
Michael Wiemeler
WIDMER Martin UNIBAS E‑Mail --- David Masser
WIEMELER Michael UNIFR E‑Mail --- Anand Dessai
WULLSCHLEGER Raphael UNINE E‑Mail Slow entropy of Reeb flows in spherizations. Prof. Dr. Felix Schlenk
WYSS Christian UNIBE E‑Mail --- Christiane Tretter
XU Xiaomeng UNIGE E‑Mail Poisson geometry in mathematical physics Anton Alekseev 2016
YERLY Florence UNIFR E‑Mail --- Prof. Christian Mazza
ZACHAROVA Kleopatra Lida UNIGE - hyperbolical geometry
ZIKAS Sokratis UNIBAS - Construction of Sarkisov links
ZUMBRUNNEN Alexandre UNINE E‑Mail Groups action on operator algebras and C^*-algebras Professor Alain Valette
Paul Jolissaint
ZÜRCHER Thomas UNIBE E‑Mail --- Zoltan Balogh
ZURITA Rimer UNIGE E‑Mail Analytic Number Theory Y.-F. Petermann
J. Steinig