Journée Georges de Rham
The Journée Georges de Rham has been introduced in 1991 by the Troisième cycle Romand de mathematiques and usually takes place at EPF Lausanne. It convenes mathematicians not only of the CUSO universities, but also from the whole of Switzerland and from abroad and stimulates interaction between professors, postdocs and PhD students. The organisers invite two speakers of international reputation who present their vision of contemporary mathematics and of future developments. A particular aim is to offer doctoral students a modern high class perspective of mathematical sciences and to establish contacts on an international level and with other research groups.
2020 | James Maynard (University of Oxford) Approximating real numbers by fractions Corinna Ulcigrai (University of Zurich) Slow chaos: dynamics of parabolic systems |
2019 | Claudia de Rham (Imperial College London) From de Rham Cohomology to Massive Gravity Martin Hairer (Imperial College London) Taming Infinities | |
2018 | Francis Brown (University of Oxford) De Rham Integration Nigel Hitchin (University of Oxford) Integrable systems and algebraic geometry | |
2017 | Stéphane Mallat (École Normale Supérieure) Mathematical Mysteries of Deep Networks Sergei Tabachnikov (PennState University) Flavors of bicycle mathematics | |
2016 | Gregory F. Lawler (Chicago) Self-avoiding motion Martin Zirnbauer (Cologne) Bott periodicity and the "Periodic Table" of topological insulators and superconductors | |
2015 | Wilfrid S. Kendall (Warwick) Buffon Needles, Google Maps, and Friends Robert J. Adler (Technion) Phase Transitions and Random Topology | |
2014 | Ilia Itenberg (Paris) Invariants in real enumerative geometry Alex Lubotzky (Jerusalem) High dimensional expanders and Ramanujan complexes | |
2013 | Etienne Ghys (ENS Lyon) William Thurston et les feuilletages Robert Meyerhoff (Boston College) Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds: Historical Development and Some Future Paths | |
2012 | Marta Sanz-Solé (Barcelone) An overview of Malliavin calculus: origins and recent developments Yves Benoist (Paris XI, Orsay) Dynamical system on the torus | |
2011 | Mikhail Kapranov (Yale University) Formal loops and chiral differential operators Don Zagier (MPI Bonn & Collège de France) From mock theta functions to black holes | |
2010 | Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) Surface measures in Euclidean spaces, Carnot groups and Wiener space Alexander Bobenko (Technische Universität Berlin) Discrete Differential Geometry: Theory and Applications | |
2009 | Curtis McMullen (Harvard University) Billiards and moduli space Peter Sarnak (Princeton University) The affine linear sieve | |
2008 | Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (Collège de France) Dynamique et Géométrie des échanges d'intervalles Gang Tian (Princeton University) Geometry and Analysis of low dimensional Manifolds | |
2007 | László Lovász (Microsoft research USA) The limit of a growing graph sequence Benoît Mandelbrot (Yale, USA) Fractales et multifractales : survol et quelques résultats récents | |
2006 | Jean-Pierre Serre (Collège de France) Le "nombre de points mod m" d'une variété algébrique Akshay Venkatesh (MIT) p-adic dynamics and representations by quadratic forms | |
2005 | Morris Hirsch (UC Berkeley) Actions of Lie algebras and Lie groups on surfaces Benjamin Weiss (University of Jerusalem) Recent developments in the ergodic theory of amenable group actions | |
2004 | Marcus du Sautoy (Oxford) Through the looking glass: groups from a number theoretic perspective Robert Ghrist (Urbana-Champaign) Knotted Flowlines | |
2003 | Martin R. Bridson (Imperial College London) The geometry of the word problem Marcel Berger (IHES) Dynamiser la géométrie élémentaire : introduction aux travaux de Richard Schwartz | |
2002 | Valentin Poénaru (Université Paris-Sud, Orsay) Problèmes de Topologie en petite dimension John Milnor (SUNY at Stony Brook) Is there a science of complexity? | |
2001 | Antonio Ambrosetti (SISSA, Trieste) Perturbation in critical point theory and applications to nonlinear differential equations Stuart Antman (University of Maryland at College Park) Analytic consequences of incompressibility in mechanics | |
2000 | Jean Bellissard (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse) La géométrie non commutative des solides apériodiques Etienne Ghys (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon) La structure des feuilletages holomorphes | |
1999 | Jürg Fröhlich (ETH Zürich) Supersymmetry and Differential Geometry Daniel Sternheimer (Université de Dijon) La cohomologie de de Rham des variétés symplectiques : un classifiant des quantifications | |
1998 | Dieter Kotschick (Universität München) Signatures, monopoles and mapping class groups Michel Brion (Université de Grenoble I) Formule sommatoire d'Euler MacLaurin pour les polytopes convexes rationnels | |
1997 | Shahar Mozes (Hebrew University) Products of trees, lattices and simple groups Gilles Pisier (Texas A&M University) Problèmes de similarité et applications complètement bornées | |
1996 | Rémi Langevin (Université de Bourgogne) Géométrie intégrale Ian Hambleton (McMaster University) Topological equivalence of linear representations | |
1994 | Michèle Audin (Université de Strasbourg) Matrice de Jacobi Jean-Benoit Bost (IHES) Courants de Green et géométrie arithmétique | |
1993 | Jean-Pierre Demailly (Grenoble) Méthodes analytiques récentes et géométrie algébrique Vaughan Jones (Berkeley and Geneva) Groupes de lacets et algèbres d'opérateurs | |
1992 | Jacques Tits (Collège de France) Peter Hilton (Binghamton University) | |
1991 | Alain Connes (IHES, Paris) La notion d'espace géométrique et le modèle standard Raoul Bott (Harvard) Aspects of torsion: old and new |