Detailed information about the course
Title | Séminaire Kervaire: ’Conjecture de Baum-Connes’ |
Dates | October 24 - 29, 2021 |
Responsible | Alain Valette |
Organizer(s) | Dr. Maria-Paula GOMEZ APARICIO, Paris-Saclay Prof. Pierre JULG, Orléans, Prof. Alain VALETTE, Neuchâtel, Dr. Paul-Henry LEEMANN |
Speakers | Dr. Sara AZZALI, Greifswald, Prof. Indira CHATTERJI, Nice, Prof. Ramon FLORES, Sevilla, Maria-Paula GOMEZ APARICIO, Paris-Saclay, Prof. Pierre JULG, Orléans, Dr. Ohmar MOHSEN, Paris-Saclay, Dr. Shintaro NISHIKAWA, Muenster, Prof. Hervé OYONO-OYONO, Metz, Dr. Mikael DE LA SALLE, ENS Lyon, Dr. Damain SAWICKI, Leuven |
Description | The Baum-Connes conjecture bridges operator algebras, index theory, geometric group theory and metric geometry. It is therefore a unifying theme in mathematics. The mini-courses will serve as an introduction to the subject, will the talks by younger experts will explain the search towards positive results and also towards counterexamples. |
Program | |
Location |
Hôtel des Sources, Les Diablerets |
Information | |
Places | 30 |
Deadline for registration | 30.09.2021 |