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Young Geometric Group Theory VII (YGGT)


12-16 mars 2018


Prof. Dr. Spencer Dowdall (Vanderbilt University), Dr. Dominik Gruber (ETH Zurich), and Prof. Dr. Alessandro Sisto (ETH Zurich).


Minicourses: Prof. Dr. Michelle Bucher (Université de Genève), Prof. Dr. Piotr Przytycki (McGill University), Prof. Dr. Volodymyr Nekrashevych (Texas A & M University), Prof. Dr. Stefan Wenger (Université de Fribourg). Research talks: Dr. Carolyn Abbott (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Dr. Juliette Bavard (University of Chicago), Dr. Jinying Huang (McGill University), Dr. David Hume (Oxford University), Dr. Nir Lazarovich (ETH Zurich), Dr. Arie Levit (Yale University).


This conference is aimed at PhD students and young postdocs in GGT and it is the seventh iteration if the Young geometric group theory (YGGT) cycle, the previous meetings having been held in Poland (Banach Center), Israel (Technion Haifa), France (CIRM Luminy), Belgium (Spa), Germany (Karlsruhe), and the UK (Oxford). The topic of the conference is geometric group theory (GGT). This field of Mathematics emerged from Gromov's seminal work and studies groups through their interaction with structures in geometry, topology and analysis. GGT has seen a rapid development in the past decades with many important applications to diverse areas of Mathematics that include: low-dimensional topology, the theory of manifolds, algebraic topology, complex dynamics, combinatorial group theory, algebra, logic, the study of various classical families of groups, Riemannian geometry and representation theory. The conference will have four minicourses given by senior researchers (see above), aimed at introducing the young audience to a broad variety of fundamental and important concepts of GGT, and putting them in the context of major recent advances in the subject. All the speakers were carefully selected by the scientific committee chaired by Ruth Charney (Brandeis University, U.S.), and its additional members comprised Montserrat Casals-Ruiz (University of the Basque Country, Spain), Sebastian Hensel (University of Bonn, Germany), Jing Tao (University of Oklahoma, U.S.) and Romain Tessera (University Paris-Sud Orsay, France)


Les Diablerets, Switzerland


For more information please contact the website of the organisers under:


Please register with the registration form on the website of the organisers.

Doctoral students from CUSO Universities should register as well on the CUSO website in order to get their travel and accommodation expenses reimbursed from CUSO.



Deadline for registration 12.02.2018
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