Doctoral students

79 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
ABOUELSAAD Ahmed UNIBAS E‑Mail Arithmetic Geometry
AMONTOVA Sofia UNIGE E‑Mail Invariants of representations of complex hyperbolic lattices. Michelle Bucher
AOUN Yacine UNIGE E‑Mail Statistical physics Yvan Velenik
ARIKÖK Ekin UNIGE E‑Mail Statistical mechanics Stanislav Smirnov
BAERISWYL Fabien UNIL E‑Mail Cluster point processes, asymptotic properties and applications Prof. Valérie Chavez-Demoulin
Prof. Olivier Wintenberger (Sorbonne Université)
BELKHADRIA Zakaria UNIGE E‑Mail Astrophysical and cosmological aspects of alternatives theories of gravity
BIAGGI Benjamin UNIBE E‑Mail Mathematics Nonlinear Algebra Jan Draisma
BIANCO Giulia UNINE E‑Mail Criptography on elliptic curves
BISANG Tobias UNIBAS E‑Mail Torsion points on abelian varieties and equidistribution Habegger Philipp
BODART Corentin UNIGE E‑Mail Geometric group theory Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda
BOT Anna UNIBAS E‑Mail Automorphisms of rational surfaces Prof. Dr. Jérémy Blanc 2024
BRONASCO Eugen UNIGE E‑Mail Algebraic structures and numerical analysis for solving differential equations Prof. Gilles Vilmart
BUBANI Elia UNIBE E‑Mail Geometric Analysis Prof. Dr. Zoltan Balogh 2025
CANGINI Alessio UNIBAS E‑Mail Arithmetic Dynamics Philipp Habegger
CARREL Benjamin UNIGE E‑Mail Analysis and implementation of low-rank tensor algorithms Bart Vandereycken
Martin J. Gander
COLOMBO Jérémy UNINE E‑Mail Thesis in the field of Probability. Michel Benaïm
D'ALIMONTE Lucas UNIFR E‑Mail Rigorous statistical mechanics of lattice systems Ioan Manolescu
DALIPI Rea UNIGE E‑Mail Virasoro coadjoint orbits, Moduli spaces of flat connections Anton Alekseev
DUBOUT Jeremy UNIGE E‑Mail Metric geometry and functional analysis Anders Karlsson
DUJELLA Marta UNIBAS E‑Mail Heights, unlikely intersections and rational points Prof. Dr. Philipp Habegger
ESNA ASHARI Mani UNIBAS E‑Mail Finite subgroups of the Cremona group Jérémy Blanc
Immanuel Van Santen
ESTIER Solenn UNIGE E‑Mail Michelle Bucher
FAUL Louis UNIFR E‑Mail Stochastic calculus Christian Mazza 2025
GAGGERO Giulia UNINE E‑Mail Multivariate cryptography Elisa Gorla 2024
GASSMANN Loïc UNIFR E‑Mail Critical percolation with many interfaces Ioan Manolescu 2028
GIVI Glory Mary UNIGE E‑Mail Opinion dynamics in complex networks Dr. Philippe Jacquod 2023
HÄBERLI Ramona UNIGE E‑Mail Numerical integration Dr. Gilles Vilmart
HANSEN Ulrik Thinggaard UNIFR E‑Mail Statistical Mechanics Ioan Manolescu
HAUBER Johannes UNINE E‑Mail Symplectic capacities Prof. Schlenk 2025
HAYDER Thomas UNIBAS E‑Mail Percolation on Random Graphs
HIGGINS Luke UNIFR E‑Mail The Topology and Geometry of Riemannian Manifolds with Lower Curvature Bounds Prof. Anand Dessai
HORTELANO MARTÍN Isabel UNIBE E‑Mail Algebraic Logic George Metcalfe
HOWARTH Megan UNIGE E‑Mail Group theory Prof. Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda
Prof. Anton Alekseev
INVERSI Marco UNIBAS E‑Mail Irregular transport and flows Prof. Dr. Gianluca Crippa
ISSINI Letizia UNIGE E‑Mail Geometric Group Theory Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda
JAQUET-CHIFFELLE Alicia UNINE E‑Mail Polynomial automorphisms of A^4 and their dynamical degrees Jérémy Blanc
JÖRG Jasmin UNIBE E‑Mail Geometric topology Sebastian Baader
KALMYKOV Ilja UNIBAS E‑Mail Multiple Scale Problems Prof. Helmut Harbrecht
KASHAEVA Kamila UNIGE E‑Mail Metric geometry Professor Anders Karlsson
KHETTABI Kamil UNIGE E‑Mail Statistical and mathematical physics Yvan VELENIK
LE MARDELÉ Florian UNIFR - Topological semi-metal Ana Akrap 2022
LEU Raphael UNIBE E‑Mail Numerical Analysis Thomas Wihler
LIECHTI Max UNIBE E‑Mail Spectral and Operator Theory Christiane Tretter
MARTI Denis UNIFR E‑Mail To be determined Stefan Wenger
MEIER Damaris UNIFR E‑Mail Geometric Analysis Stefan Wenger
MEKLER Philipp UNIBAS E‑Mail ...
MEUNIER Irène UNIBAS E‑Mail Polynomial automorphisms and valuations Jérémy Blanc
Stéphane Lamy
MOHANARANGAN Maran UNIFR E‑Mail On loop models and height functions Ioan Manolescu
Alexander Glazman
MÜLLER Dylan UNIGE E‑Mail Spectral geometry, number theory specially p-adics Anders Karlsson 2026
NALON Luca UNIFR E‑Mail Sub-Riemannian geometry Enrico Le Donne
NDIAYE Aïssatou Mossèle UNINE E‑Mail Géométrie Spectrale Bruno Colbois
NESI Matteo UNIBAS E‑Mail Topics in fluid dynamics and turbulence Gianluca Crippa
OUTRATA Michal UNIGE E‑Mail Numerical mathematics - domain decomposition methods prof. Martin J. Gander
PADDEU Nicola UNIFR E‑Mail Sub-Riemannian geometry Enrico Le Donne 2026
PARISOTTO Alessandro UNIFR E‑Mail Order and Disorder in Natural photonic structures Ullrich Steiner 2023
PERRY Nikolai UNIGE E‑Mail Noncommutative calculus Anton Alekseev
PITTON Beatrice UNIL E‑Mail Generalized descriptive set theory Jacques Duparc 2026
POGOZELSKYTE Ausra UNIGE E‑Mail Parallel in Time methods for advection dominated problems Martin J. Gander 2025
POLZER Steffen UNIGE E‑Mail Spectrum of random graphs Antti Knowles
SACCARDO Davide UNIGE E‑Mail Quantum Invariants of Knots from Topological Quantum Field Theories Rinat Kashaev
SANTSCHI Simon UNIBE E‑Mail Algebraic logic and ordered algebraic structures Prof. Dr. George Metcalfe
SCHEFER Gerold UNIBAS E‑Mail ...
SCHMIDLIN Marc UNIBAS E‑Mail Multilevel Methods and Uncertainty Quantification in Cardiac Electrophysiology
SCHMITZ Joel UNINE E‑Mail Symplectic Geometry Prof. Felix Schlenk
SCHNIEPER Nicolà UNIBE E‑Mail Algebraic Geometry Jan Draisma
SIMIAN Gaëtan UNIGE E‑Mail Low dimentional topology David Cimasoni
Anthony Conway
TETTAMANTI Andrea UNIFR E‑Mail A quantitative version of Pansu’s asymptotic theorem Enrico Le Donne
TRAN Phan Quoc Bao UNIBE E‑Mail Complex geometry Proof. Dr. Frank Kutzschebauch
TSCHANZ Léonard UNINE E‑Mail Spectral geometry Bruno Colbois
VAN WALSTIJN Koen UNIGE E‑Mail A stochastic approach to the stability of high voltage power grids (provisional) Prof. Philippe Jacquod
VARGAS DE LEÓN Alejandro José UNIBE E‑Mail Combinatoric Aspects of Algebra Jan Draisma
VEPREV Georgii UNIGE E‑Mail Geometric group theory and dynamics, spectral theory of graphs coming from groups and dynamical systems Prof. Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda
Prof. Stanislav Smirnov
VIKMAN Noa UNIFR E‑Mail Analysis and Geometry Stefan Wenger
VOORHAAR Arina UNIGE E‑Mail On the Newton polytope of the Morse Discriminant Anton Alekseev (UniGE)
Alexander Esterov (HSE)
VOORHAAR Rik UNIGE E‑Mail Optimizaiton of tensor networks and applications Bart Vandereycken
WEHRHEIM Henrik UNINE E‑Mail Birational geometry in higher dimensions Prof. Dr. Jérémy Blanc