Graduate Colloquium, September 15 & 16, 2016

CUSO Graduate Colloquium – Call for participants


The seventeenth Graduate Colloquium of the Swiss Doctoral Program in Mathematics will take place on Thursday, the 15-th and on Friday, the 16-th September, 2016 in Fribourg/Freiburg.


All participants (both speakers and auditors) should register on the cuso official webpage.


Ph.D. students from all participating universities can present their work and domain of research in a talk. The 30 minutes or 45 minutes presentations should be understandable to graduate students of all fields of pure and applied mathematics.


Please send a title and an abstract (both in .tex and .pdf file) of your talk to the following email adresses, specifying if you would give a 30 minutes or a 45 minutes talk..

Basil Reinhard basil.reinhard(at)unifr(dot)ch

Elia Saini elia.saini(at)unifr(dot)ch


Deadlines for applications: Friday, the 26-th of August 2016


Practical informations:


As for the previous colloquiums, Birkhäuser will offer a prize for the best talks.


There will be a colloquium dinner on Thursday evening. If you cannot come or if you have dietary restrictions, please email the organizers.


On Friday, the 2-nd of September 2016 all participants will receive an email with the timetable of the event and some practical information for their staying in Fribourg/Freiburg.

Please feel free to contact us for any kind of informations or requests.

The organizers,

Basil Reinhard

Elia Saini